Spaghetti code for Nodebox

Spaghetti code for Nodebox

Spaghetti code for NodeBox

#51 – Spaghetti Code for NodeBox
Static render


I have discovered NodeBox a few weeks ago now, while looking for other node based programming and animation tools, and I never really spend the minimum 1o1 time on it, until today.

It plays on the same field as Vuo, however without the powerful 3D Quartz based capabilities. Nevertheless, it is feature rich and really user friendly, and will certainly give me more hours of delirious creative fun. Also presents itself as a great tool for data visualisation.

Welcome to NodeBox

Techniques: NodeBox 3, Cinema4D, Final Cut Pro, Pixelmator

Soundtrack: Jaydee – Plastic Dreams

Making of:Screen Shot 2016-05-07 at 1.09.51 PM
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Spaghetti code for NodeBox

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