May the psychedelic 4th

May the psychedelic 4th …

May the psychedelic 4th

#50 – May the psychedelic 4th …
Static render


This week we had a Star Wars day: May the 4th!

May the 4th be with you

I have seen friends going to light sabre kendo sessions, and others painting storm trooper figurines.

lightsaber_training_edmonton Storm troopers painting

I have watched a second time the awakening of the Force, episode 7 (and been disappointed a second time).

And I have listened to this amazing mix from Bedouin at Burning man 2015

I needed no more to launch the Soundspectrum G-Force programmable audio visualiser.

This has been my own psychedelic journey to the Death Star!

TechniquesSoundspectrum G-Force, FX Photo Studio Pro, Pixelmator, Python, Soundcloud, Screenflow

Soundspectrum G-Force Interfac

Soundspectrum G-Force Interfac

May the psychedelic 4th


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