




Hey! Silky, come over here … Kitty kitty!
I’ll give you a stroke, you’ll give me a scratch.
How graceful your pose, it suffers no match,
Shall we get down to your nitty-gritty?


Come on, I say … Let me give you a pat,
To soothe my pains and draw some luck.
At first you purr, then you run amok?
That is so you, darn gorgeous psychocat!


Quad Damage

Based on a beautiful original image by my delicious partner Anna, titled “First sight of the autumn“.
First sight of the autumn
Subject’s name is Patchouli, or “Patchou” for short and for close friends. She is a ten years old ladycat from French ascent, who enjoys patrolling the backyard to bust mice and lizards, all year round.

Deep Dreamer is a unique little piece of software published by 71squared (formerly developed by RealMac Software). It allows to tap into Google’s Deep Dream artificial intelligence to generate stunningly beautiful renderings of pictures. You should try it now.

Techniques: Deep Dreamer, Pixelmator

Making of:

Screen Shot 2016-03-28 at 6.30.18 AM

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