
Forever young

That’s simply the name of a nifty little software I found back in 2009 to pull together a picture we were required to produce for the school art fete. It helps creating mosaic images, out of a large master image and a collection of smaller ones making up a library of tiles.


First test with Mazaika (2009)

With this idea in mind, I went on to create a fractal image of the Sydney Opera House: A mosaic of the opera with the opera itself. Although that was pleasant to see, it stayed a little bit impersonal, and we eventually had the idea to use hand drawn designs of the opera and the harbour bridge, as well as pictures of the kids in the classroom, as a base images. That was more like it, and once printed and framed in A1 size, it was quite compelling, enough to see someone purchase it for a few hundred dollars.

First test with Mazaika (2009)

Today, as I am still in shock after discovering the mastery of Charis Tsevis, I share another one I recently made for my good friends at aussieBum. I call it “Forever young“, and it’s made of of over 200 images of aussieBum products and social marketing shots. Baby steps in my own series of reconstructed portraits, Rome was not built in one day.

Techniques: Mazaika, Pixelmator



Forever young

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