Hands of the healer

Hands of the healer

Hands of the healer#095 – Hands of the healer (Static)

#095 – Hands of the healer (Panimating)

As our time flows by, there’s a sense it gets leaner.
Travelling to the future, one dosen’t need any visa.
Beware though … time stays true to its job: A killer!
How much left? What it takes to deliver a space pizza.

You might be cut short, wiped out by mere influenza.
You may feel hunted, time’s a slayer with a cleaver.
Just like when you win, you would praise a bonanza,
When you stumble and fail, how vain is it to blame the dealer.

Truth likes to be simple, does not take an extravaganza
to turn the dumb or the fool into a lifelong believer …
Truth be told as they say, it can fit in one stanza:
The only one thing to take along, is the hands of the healer!

Quad Damage

Techniques: Pixelmator, Frax Pro

Free flight in Frax Pro for IPad, it is a mesmerising experience if you’ve never done it.

Hands of the healer

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