The Icknield Way

The Icknield Way

#087 – The Icknield Way (Static)

#087 – The Icknield Way (Panimating)

City, devices, business meetings…

It’s doing my head in, sends my brain to curls.
Whatever the booze, no matter the showgirls,
Seems like nothing can reach anymore to my strings.

A TV showman claims “Excess is delicious!”,
But every time I indulge in the quirky,
Blows taken are growing more vicious.
I’m falling apart… time to go cold turkey.

Idling an afternoon away in the gallery,

Where David Hockney meets Spencer Gore,
I feast on unworldly brilliance and mastery,
And catch an emotion worthy to restore.

The piece keeps me busy for hours.
I enter the frame, yes, there’s a knack.
No substance needed, no super powers,
Just use the eyes, and follow the track.

Another reality, wait … how can it be?
It’s fucking spooky, if you ask me.
Love the experience though, wish I could stay.
Coz …
I have been to myself, along the Icknield way!

Quad Damage

I saw this painting from Spencer Gore at the NSW Art Gallery, about a year ago now. For some reason, it glued me to the ground for minutes, as I lost myself into the colour spree, unexpected in an english setting. The work is titled the Icknield Way, and it’s a painter’s impressionist snapshot of an ancient footpath crossing southern England from North-East by South-West. Today it comes top of mind again, in a vivid and fleshly manner.

Techniques: Vision of Chaos, Deep Dreamer, FX Photo Studio Pro, Pixelmator

Soundtrack: Kadebostani – Castle in the snow (The Avener)

The original painting by Spencer Gore

Spencer Gore - The Icknield Way

Genetic art for the sky in Vision of chaos Generative Art

Deep dreaming the Icknield Way

The Icknield Way

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