


#086 – Moonshine (Static)

That again, with no warning sign …
Nor any noise through the grapevine,
There comes a familiar fantasy of mine.

Damp and heavy the air, in this heathen shrine.

Tip, tap… just one more step over the line,
I stumble down, struck by the Indian sign.

Icy shards sting and crawl along my spine,

Nerves overloaded and muscles sore, I whine.
This time, I wish to see the Nebraska sign!

Eventually, it all resolves, in a beautiful sine.

I take a cautious step, along the curly spline,
Then to an endless jog, on a bottle of Klein!

How dumbfoundedly do realities intertwine …

What a fool was I, thinking it benign.
Lesson learnt: Never hold cheap a glass of moonshine!

Quad Damage

Techniques: Fragmentarium, Pixelmator

Soundtrack: Andreas Vollenweider – Down to the moon

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