Panimating by the fireplace

I have made a point to choose a rather boring and naive subject, and my thunder ended up on the “winter by the fireplace” theme. How innocent and harmless, isn’t it? I have already spent a few days exploring the possibilities of creating attractive and meaningful static images, our of various generative, procedural and iterative processes. And most often I had a good opportunity to compare the static versus the dynamic, or animated, would that be simply for the purpose of a making of. The merry surprise is that one does not exclude the other, and you don’t necessarily have to choose … choose between the static and the dynamic, the composite and the raw, the painting and the animation.

I have experienced that in recent posts, such as What the fudgeSouthern SunConnecting the dotsA glass of whineBefore the storm. When painting meets animation, shouldn’t we simply call that … “panimating” ? Could it be the “new cool” in arts? Obviously it requires more than a mere canvas or paper based medium to render, but in an age where we now have more screens than human beings, who cares.

Techniques: Particle Designer, Deep Dreamer, Pixelmator, iMovie

Making of:

Base dreamed image

Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 10.48.47 PM

Treatment in Particle Designer, to add the candle flames and the fireplace.

Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 10.35.35 PM

The soundtrack is from Gramatik’s latest album, Epigram, which turns out to be available to download for free:

Panimating with Gramatik

The only catch is that you have to commit your own epigram to get the download link. To generate mine, I simply used the word … PANIMATING   🙂

The static:

Panimating by the fireplace

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