Burning love

Burning love

Burning Love


Come with me love, I’ll show you a place where it is done.
Not somewhere nor sometime, more somehow… and someone.
A silent mental desert where your mind can roam freely,
A barren spiritual mountain your soul can climb fearlessly.


The endless summertime leaves flesh scarred, and the earth scorched,
But the spirit vivid and alert, in all immediacy craving to be torched.
Come over naked, maybe just with a simple box of matches?
Let Love consume us, its blue flame turn old selves to ashes.


When all has been shared and gifted, the outcome is radical, as it turns:
Once every thirty-two million seconds, in the Black Rock Desert, the Man burns!


Quad Damage


About the Burning Man Festival:bm2015

Burning Man is an annual gathering that takes place at Black Rock City—a temporary community erected in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada. The event is described as an experiment in community and art, influenced by 10 main principles, including “radical” inclusion, self-reliance and self-expression, as well as community cooperation, gifting and decommodification, and leaving no trace. First held in 1986 on Baker Beach in San Francisco as a small function organized by Larry Harvey and a group of friends, it has since been held annually, spanning from the last Sunday in August to the first Monday in September (the U.S. Labor Day); for example, Burning Man 2015 took place August 30 – September 7, 2015.

Techniques: Vuo, Shadertoy, Pixelmator

Making of:

Another take:

Burning Man

Shadertoy shader: Flame

Vuo composition:

Screen Shot 2016-03-13 at 8.35.02 AM

Key images used:

Soundtrack by Serge Devant

Burning love

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