




Hey you! Despicable hitmen, pathetic warmongers!
Dumb alienated lowlives, excuse my curiosity:
Which sort of despair … or weird kind of hunger
Made you shed innocent blood in Brussels city?


This is no more stories of cloak and dagger,
You’ve put the World in a state of imminent danger.
Having to swallow such a deal of monstrosity,
Spins me out to a dreadful state of angerosity.


Quad Damage


This post was prompted by the recent events in Brussels, Belgium (22/03/2016).

Blind dumb terror strikes again in Brussels, warm thoughts for our Belgian brothers.“, as I put it on Facebook.

Anger is the central emotion as it is hard to avoid against such jihadist madness. Beyond the dangerosity of the public space in Europe, we are all in a state of “angerosity“, so to speak.

My first attempt at the subject was still quite pictural, before I decided to go more radical, thanks to the compelling magic of Flame Painter.


Techniques: Flame Painter, Pixelmator


I have been lately very excited about Flame Painter, which is an amazing software for procedural painting. Still very earl days for me, but I can feel the huge potential just waiting to be unleashed. Although it will never be as powerful as a highly tailored brush programmed in processing, I foresee hours of fun ahead.

Base picture




Belgian edition:


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