Acid FL

Acid FL

Acid FL

#59 – Acid FL (static)

#59 – Acid FL (panimating)

I am just back from a trip to Europe, going through my home country, France. Once again it’s been struck by blind terror, particularly in Nice, but also in several other areas.

But that did not deterred me from visiting the city of light, Paris, and to enjoy a ride and a beautiful dinner in the Eiffel Tower. May it keep casting its light over the city and over the whole world for decades to come.

Strolling underneath the incredible giant metal structure, I let my mind drift and play with daytime visions. Vortices is what drives the cosmos. Some are sources of energy, such as super novae, others re pits, and they consume everything, such as black holes. Here in Paris, in spite of uncertainties about the future and fears caused by sheer dumbness, I feel a source, and a strong one, casting around the inextinguishable energy of a people who believes in and stands for true, unalienated and uncompromised freedom.

Soundtrack: Laurent Garnier – Acid Eiffel

Techniques: Processing, Pixelmator, Final Cut Pro

Radial eye patterns in processing

Eye patterns in Processing



Eiffel tower from below

Eiffel tower from below

A gorgeous rooster

A gorgeous rooster

Acid FL

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