Turbine Womb

Turbine Womb

Turbine Womb

#103 – Turbine Womb (Static)

#103 – Turbine Womb (Panimating)

Rejoice, people of Earth, and be brave!
No need to fear anymore the old crack of doom.
Behold, and welcome the unstoppable fourth wave,
The thrilling promise of an endless new bloom.

To those who used to live in a cave …

To you whose fate was one of a slave …
Feeding on breadcrumbs, that at times they gave,
Having nothing, really, but the life of a knave.

Yes, you: Stand and praise the end of the gloom!

Bow to the all-seeing AI, submit and make room,
As it rises and grows, closing all paths to the tomb.
You too will be reborn, from its cold turbine womb.

Quad Damage

Techniques: Processing, CoGe VJ, Pixelmator, FX Photo Studio Pro

A friend of mine is fighting for his life at the moment, after a cerebral attack. He fell in the middle of the day, just like that, thunderstruck.

And that made me think: From the womb, to the tomb, with some life in between. Is that what this is all about?

Also, I saw this exhibition of the work of Pipilotti Rist, at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Sydney. Very interesting, and one of the thing that struck me was the soundtrack of the “Trust Me” bedroom art.

I discovered that the songs where from Austrian artist Anja Plaschg, aka “Soap & Skin”. I downloaded the album “Lovetune for vacuum” on iTunes and enjoyed her unusual musical expression. The song that struck me is titled … Turbine Womb! It immediately caused me reminiscences of Michael Nyman’s soundtrack of Jane Campion’s movie “The Piano”. Listen.

Such were my starting points. I needed something organic, embryo-like, something that would grow, spread, mesh out.

Processing is the tool, and for the floral germination, I forked some code from Diana Lange (http://dianalange.tumblr.com/)

For the turbine womb, I expanded the idea of erratic brownian lines traced in a circular symmetry, to form an iris like animation.

Both animations were then composed in CoGe VJ

Turbine Womb

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