


#097 – Tabernaqle! (Static)

And behold, I am coming quickly,

And My reward is with Me,

To give to every one according to his work.

I am the Alpha and the Omega,

The Beginning and the End,

The First and the Last.

Revelation 22:12-13

Techniques: Mandelbulber 2, Vectoraster, FX Photo Studio Pro, Pixelmator

The Tabernacle is the dwelling place of God on Earth, according to the Old Testament. Either represented as a tent or a shack, it is an enclosure sheltering the Holy of the Holies and the Ark of the Covenant. Usually, only the High Priest is allowed into it, but today I was lucky enough to take a peek at it. And what I saw in there, was altogether beautiful yet shocking, expected yet incredibly surprising. 3 letters were branded in my mind, the Alpha, the Omega … and the Koppa.

Fractal rendering in Mandelbulber 2: Here comes the Koppa letter

Mandelbulber 2

Colour tweaking in FX Photo Studio Pro

Playing for the first time with Vectoraster: Impressive


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