
Some fun with dots, pointillizing the rich hours of Mankind.

This is how we do it! Pointillize with tinted dots.


  • ESC key to reset the stage
  • LEFT arrow key to pause animation
  • RIGHT arrow key to restart animation
  • “2” key to reload larger image
  • “1” key to reload smaller image
  • Moving mouse to the right widens the dot
  • Moving mouse to the bottom of the page increases opacity

Using: P5JS, Buzz

Featuring: Generative art, pixel loading with retina support


I love pointillisation, for its intrinsic aesthetics, but also because it reminds us about the discrete nature of this world.

Taken into an iterative and randomised process, it asserts altogether the generative momentum the cosmos is drifting along.

Right in plain sight, from planet Earth, the Moon stands firm as the dead yet faithful witness of eons of such pointillisation, with its face covered in millions of craters ranging from just a few meters to kilometres in diameter.

For the first time in million years, in 1969 AD, Man came one day press on the lunar dust an innovative non circular new shape, its gross foot prints, courtesy of NASA. The disturbing question is to guess how many more centuries the eternal celestial observer will have to wait for such ‘unnatural’ marks to be wiped out by astral winds?

The moonwalker is a trivial algorithm coded in one shot, with the 2001 Space Odyssey as a default cover. It nevertheless managed to freeze my computer after a few minutes of iteration, to my relative frustration, as the big picture was getting nice look. Never mind, I took an iPhone picture of my frozen screen, and the outcome was actually surprisingly good: The pixel matrix of my 5-years old Macbook Air added just the right vintage touch the shot needed to look even more authentic and artistic, a somehow moving rendering of this moon walker frozen in time.

Buy it online with an 8k snapshot and full HD video included!

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