Connecting the dots

Connecting the dots

Connecting the dots

Connecting the dots … backwards!

That was one of the stories Steve Jobs told the students of Stanford, in his commencement speech in 2005, some 11 years ago now. Actually the first story. “That’s it, no big deal!“, as he put it back then.


I have mapped the face of Steve with letters, thanks to a Processing algorithm.

The letters are taken from the 9,000 or so forming the full speech.

The font: Apple Garamond of course, which Steve threw to the face of the world with the first Macintosh.

The colors: Those of the rainbow, used in the first Apple logo.


The making of:

The full speech here:

The speech transcript:

The original picture:

Steve Jobs  Steve Jobs

The letters based face:

Attempt #1

Steve Jobs

Attempt #2



Connecting the dots

Another few words from Steve to close this post:

You’ve got to find what you love. (…) Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

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